用你自己的價值觀加信念做注碼所得的 比起用金錢換來金錢更有意思
YST Sir,Just to share my little thinkings :005.HK is an international bank ... it always penalised by USA/England/Europe over past years.005.HK is a HS Index member (occupying 10%). It's always difficult to predict the trend of HS Index. ...900.HK's businesses links with local retail sales and credit cards figures ... which are positively recovering recently.Considering P/E ratios, Dividends Yields, NAVs, etc. ... I regard 900.HK is better than 005.HK. I think 900.HK can goto HK$9.00 next year, while I can't see how 005.HK might goto HK90.00 next year.^_^
宏觀定係微觀? 900睇財務報表中期應該唔止派22仙 但結果就係22仙低於你預期回帶上個月大腦諗緊乜嘢? 係自己立場?定係對方立場?還是冇立場?~要抽離 = 做買賣 ~ 冇感情…冇主觀…冇立場…冇輸贏 ~ 一堆數目字! 至於大象就要分開對我定係對其他人?大象對渣打?大象對港銀?大象對環球同業? 無絕對只有相對 就似900相對你?或者相對其他人?總結 = 只要你有信心就好啦! 😇
Understood. Thanks a lot.^_^
我只係畀咗十一個問號你 哈………
I just read your concise conclusion.^_^
我剛看完你簡明扼要的結論❗我亂噏㗎咋 哈…… 或者買入唔等於要持有而沽出又唔等於放棄呢!
YST Sir,
回覆刪除Just to share my little thinkings :
005.HK is an international bank ... it always penalised by USA/England/Europe over past years.
005.HK is a HS Index member (occupying 10%). It's always difficult to predict the trend of HS Index.
900.HK's businesses links with local retail sales and credit cards figures ... which are positively recovering recently.
Considering P/E ratios, Dividends Yields, NAVs, etc. ... I regard 900.HK is better than 005.HK.
I think 900.HK can goto HK$9.00 next year, while I can't see how 005.HK might goto HK90.00 next year.
宏觀定係微觀? 900睇財務報表中期應該唔止派22仙 但結果就係22仙低於你預期
~要抽離 = 做買賣 ~ 冇感情…冇主觀…冇立場…冇輸贏 ~ 一堆數目字!
大象對渣打?大象對港銀?大象對環球同業? 無絕對只有相對
總結 = 只要你有信心就好啦! 😇
刪除Thanks a lot.
我只係畀咗十一個問號你 哈………
刪除I just read your concise conclusion.
刪除我亂噏㗎咋 哈……