用你自己的價值觀加信念做注碼所得的 比起用金錢換來金錢更有意思
持有6000股。 均=$7.98
現金=$ 86558
Rural Sir, Morning.In the long run, I think that coal businesses are unfavourable energy, though their 2021 profits were excellent.
中資或內地公司近年所作所為 折讓五成不為過 再加上政府每每背後開槍專打自己人 國企股值斷定永不超生係原頭
386.HK may be good in coming few years,... it is transforming into clean energies,... clean chemical operations, hydrogen energy, etc.386.HK should be subject to clean energy stock revaluation ...
正因為新能源萬眾期待 但市場往往劣幣驅逐良幣 除非石化能源價格能持續大幅上升否則有誰人去抬橋 另國有企業資本開支龐大及喜歡隱藏利潤386及 1171 亦係樂此不疲
Rural Sir, Morning.
回覆刪除In the long run, I think that coal businesses are unfavourable energy, though their 2021 profits were excellent.
刪除折讓五成不為過 再加上政府每每背後開槍
專打自己人 國企股值斷定永不超生係原頭
386.HK may be good in coming few years,... it is transforming into clean energies,... clean chemical operations, hydrogen energy, etc.
刪除386.HK should be subject to clean energy stock revaluation ...
正因為新能源萬眾期待 但市場往往劣幣驅逐良幣 除非石化能源價格能持續大幅上升
386及 1171 亦係樂此不疲