Besides, its strategies includes developing hydrogen energy business. I prefer 386.HK if just in this field, cause 386.HK now already has 11% China market share, and it aims to be the No.1 China hydrogen energy enterprise.
Anyway, the whole HK stock market collapsed in this year provides me opportunities to buy more relatively higher dividend yield stocks at relatively cheaper prices. ^^
Contragulations !!! ^__^
回覆刪除1171 在未知詳細情況之下大升
You're right!^^
刪除Besides, its strategies includes developing hydrogen energy business. I prefer 386.HK if just in this field, cause 386.HK now already has 11% China market share, and it aims to be the No.1 China hydrogen energy enterprise.
386及857 盈利來源全屬國內
聽日朋黨佢唔鍾意 睇唔過眼用成本價同你計話佢謀取暴利再踢爛個龍門
I see China Government Policies are mostly directed against those Private Enterprises, not these State Enterprises.
刪除Anyway, the whole HK stock market collapsed in this year provides me opportunities to buy more relatively higher dividend yield stocks at relatively cheaper prices. ^^
刪除表面上近年的確係針對民企 人哋債臺高築 經濟汲汲可危 而家食老本股市就已撐起半壁江山 呢樹經濟年年增長各行業經營環境冠絕全球 但資本市場血流成河屍橫遍地
企業本身唔存在問題 問題出於架構
刪除因此國企估值每況愈下 除非整個資本市場架構得到平衡。否則再多股息再低估值亦只有內捲 事倍功半
不過 希望在明天。