用你自己的價值觀加信念做注碼所得的 比起用金錢換來金錢更有意思
現金=$ 132408
持有60000股。 均=$
After the events of 9988.HK; 3333.HK; 813.HK ..., I'm very afraid of China Private Enterprises. I had none of them now.Of course, there are still many good Private Enterprises. The question is whether you can sleep well at nights or not. As an sophisticated investor, I guess you Rival Sir can! ^^
一個獨立切割組合五個percent風投可以接受 民企本身唔存在問題而關鍵係政府態度 就似一間冇關上門窗嘅屋一樣路過嘅人必定會順手牽羊 只要一日唔關上門窗失竊就永遠沒完沒了 我只會擔心自己買賣系統多於個別公司。 當我懷疑自己思路出現問題嘅時候 必定手起刀落我大部份時候關心自己系統會否出問題多於企業本身。哈.....
After the events of 9988.HK; 3333.HK; 813.HK ..., I'm very afraid of China Private Enterprises. I had none of them now.
回覆刪除Of course, there are still many good Private Enterprises.
The question is whether you can sleep well at nights or not. As an sophisticated investor, I guess you Rival Sir can! ^^
刪除可以接受 民企本身唔存在問題而關鍵係政府態度 就似一間冇關上門窗嘅屋一樣
路過嘅人必定會順手牽羊 只要一日唔關上門窗失竊就永遠沒完沒了 我只會擔心自己買賣系統多於個別公司。 當我懷疑自己思路出現問題嘅時候 必定手起刀落